Touch and Go (1955)
Heathcliff the catalyst
23 August 2016
Jack Hawkins who is usually associated with action/adventure films in the British cinema gets a change of pace in Touch And Go. Hawkins stars in this Ealing comedy about a man who feeling unappreciated at his job decides to throw it all overboard and move bag and baggage and family to Australia. All except the family cat Heathcliff a black cat who crosses many paths and proves the catalyst for a lot of events in the film.

Wife Margaret Johnston dutifully goes along, but daughter June Thorburn really has doubts when she meets the boy of her dreams John Fraser on one of the Thames River bridges. In fact Heathcliff is most certainly the catalyst there in a very funny but touching sequence.

I could really identify with how they felt about Heathcliff. When I made the move from New York City to Buffalo it cost me a lot of extra money to take Simba with me. This family was going a lot farther and Hawkins just wanted to give him away. Heathcliff does have a few tricks up his sleeve.

James Hayter has a nice turn as Hawkins's pompous oaf of a boss. He's enough to drive anyone to quit.

This Ealing comedy has not dated a bit if the fashions in dress and music have changed a lot. Family pets are universal.
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