A story of redemption,tragedy and vengeance
25 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler Alert* This is a superb episode. I confess,I am a huge fan of James Marsters,whose performance gains in style and subtlety with each season,working from being an (albeit witty) monster,to a Vampire suffering loss,and then,through Seasons 5 and 6,desire,lust and his attempt at sexual assault,leading to him seeking redemption. In this season,Spike has regained (at great length,and through great pain)his soul. As he seeks this redemption,Spike suffers great pain,as true redemption should be,and the further fact that a 'Trigger' is used (a song attached to his childhood and his nurturing Mother). Into the mix is Principal Wood,seeking vengeance for his Mother's death (a single mother Slayer no less,killed by Spike!). Complex issues of rejection,love and loss are dealt with,and the performances and script are all superb. A wonderful example of how horror and fantasy can go to great psychological depths.
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