Last Summer (2013)
Unrealistic overly emotional
26 August 2016
OMG what a sad depressing desperate movie. This reminds me of the gay stories written for teens by straight women who don't have a clue what really happens in a gay relationship. There's hardly any dialogue, the camera looks longingly at inanimate objects trying to create a sense of total disrepair and loneliness. There really aren't any fun times or happy times. I can't imagine anyone who would want to be in such a depressing relationship. It's a good thing it ended when it did your these 2 boys probably would have made a Romeo and Juliet suicide pack so they could always be together.

Women will probably eat this crap up but gay men who have had real and meaningful relationships won't recognize these characters.

The movie doesn't really fit the description, I didn't see anything about church and bicycles or baseball. These boys never did anything fun. Mostly they just laid around in a severe case of depression.
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