The Sighting (2016)
28 August 2016
Alright, so yes this is another "B" grade horror flick. Yes the scripting could have been better, yes there's over acting, yes it might look a little like someone rubbed onion juice in the lead actors eyes. And yes, the monsters do look somewhat like extras dressed up in beige off cuts, from the local carpet factory.

That said, if you can put these perceived shortcomings aside, this is not a bad little "B"igfoot horror flick. The acting from the lead actor, if you can put the teary eyed thing aside, is actually pretty good. He hands in an above average performance, as in fact, do most of the cast. The scripting is patchy but there's enough creativity on offer here, to make this flick quite watchable. Some of the jokes are pretty darn good too.

Where this film really shines though, is it does manage to pull off some reasonable scares. Its not terrifying but in the opening and closing scenes its actually does give you goose bumps and raise a few hairs on the back of the neck. There's a couple of good jump scares on offer too.

So once again little B-movie-ville manages to do better than its Hollyweed, oops I mean Hollywood, counterparts. Well done guys. I hope you make a sequel! Seven out of ten from me.
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