Friz on Film (2006 Video)
If you have already watched ALL the "Behind the Tunes" . . .
30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Featurettes included on the 15 DVD discs THROUGH Looney Tunes Golden Collections, Volume 4, Disc 3, the nearly hour-long documentary FRIZ ON FILM running as a "Special Feature" on this last-mentioned 15th silver spinning wheel will weave little new yarn. However, it provides more coherent insight about not only Looney Tunes director Freleng, but also the entire Animation Industry as it existed when Warner Bros. was the New York Yankees of the Cartoon World, but crooked umpires were continually bribed to put in "the fix" for either Disney or-Horrors!--MGM, with such blatantly Buffoonish cheating that it makes Chicago's infamous Black Sox Boys of 1919 look like Choir Girls in comparison. Almost all of the few Oscars the corrupt Golden Statuette givers gave to Warners went to Freleng shorts, since he was the Anal Retentive Perfectionist (ARP) of the Looney Bunch. When America's CIA forced Warners to can its Cassandra-like Prophetic Animation Division for "Public Morale" purposes, live-action features director Blake Edwards insured that the kid-sized Friz stayed in Pictures as the PINK PANTHER animator.
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