A very enjoyable b movie whodunit.
30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
David Vernon, A moody and temperamental artist of genius kills himself, a brilliant, talented man who struggled with the everyday challenges of life, he's discovered by the beautiful young Vicky Leigh, but one day John Madison, a suave American turns up on her doorstep wanting information about David's death, not getting what he wants, he begins digging in the sleepy village.

Alex Nicol (John Madison) has a definite quality and presence, he helps add a touch of class to this top quality b movie. It moves along at a good pace, it's intriguing and full of twists, you cannot help but get into it. It becomes more intriguing as it develops, and the conclusion is very satisfying, it makes you think hard about the events in the film.

Watch out for a brief appearance of Dad's Army legend Arthur Lowe, he's working in the pawn shop.

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