Review of Sky

Sky (2015)
Boring with constant errors and myths. An emotional main character that teaches horrible ideas to younger audience
31 August 2016
There are just constant errors throughout the movie even though it tries to be realistic. The police are incompetent. The detective is even more incompetent and naive. The main character is an incompetent "spiritual french hippie" who constantly ACTS on FEEEEEEEELINGS over logic.

Other errors include the nonsense and falsehood known as "depleted uranium" making someone sick. This is simply not true. There is no such sickness. There is no "radiation" that people get from "depleted uranium". It would be like getting radiation from tungsten or other heavy elements that aren't lead. People constantly shoot lead bullets and yet they don't get poisoned or irradiated. There is no SUCH THING. It's a hippie myth.

The movie is basically about a sexually repressed woman who becomes a stupid slut and a hobo and leeches off of others.

A few of the worst behaviors a woman can do in life. Living life through unplanned emotions/feelings/thrills. Making child-like decisions. Hurting other people along the way...

She's not an adult. She's a child who cares about nothing but her own selfish feelings.

There are also constant filming of Western/Mid-western American culture and portraying it as inbred, violent, and backwards, which yes there could be such characters but I don't know why the movie director or script writer decides to focus so closely on this.

Characters in the movie keep doing illegal things or things that can get them fired and trying to make it seem "Oh it's OKAY and NORMAL."

Then she finds spirituality and native Americans and other nonsense.

The Native Americans are portrayed in their typical clichés as super-connected with spirits.

This movie was written by children who have only had a few bad experiences with love.
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