Has gone downhill ...completely
30 August 2016
Actually reviews aren't meant to be wishful thinking Nevertheless for all reviewers who have given CAS good reviews purely out of frustration I do feel your pain.The serial was really good at start but now it is one of them which I will willingly help support by PAYING producers to stop airing it. I tend towards more purist reviews that is a historical doesn't need to be purely based on history for me to like it it simply has to be entertaining. But in this case even I will step in and ask have you done any research other than just google search on emperor Asoka.I mean when 30 episodes in you are introducing black magic out of the blue there is something seriously wrong not to mention some of the laziest writing I have ever seen: 1.Am I the only one who has problem with a whole army coming at doors of palace of biggest Indian empire and nor the thousands of soldiers at borders or anyone in empire sees,suspects or reports anything. Its like Pakistan bringing its whole army in India and no one (literally) in India knows about it till it is at gates of parliament it happened not once but twice 2.if that wasn't enough we have an enemy army hiding secretly in magadhs palace when Asoka is in in charge of security 3.stop showing bindusara a great emperor as a clueless idiot 4.ashoka roames in and out of palace of a kichak as easily as taking a stroll in park if that was so easy then why not just kill him when he is sleeping and be done with it? 5.endless other such instances where it seems writer was just bored out of his mind and didn't take more than 10 min. to write the script. Like literally replacing a whole ten tonne statue situated in top security by just putting a handful of soldiers to sleep by distributing them poisoned sweets,or ashoks mother lecturing an enemy army and her speech is so inspirational (or uninspirational) that they decide to NOT fight the war against ashoka (just an excuse for lack of budgets to not show us a full fledged war it too has happened twice.there are countless such plot inconsistencies but I cant list all of them But the biggest sin it commits is showing us endless flashbacks till every meaning full/less scene in nailed in your head there are full episodes end on end of just flashbacks it does nothing but provide more script fodder for useless episodes. Also it is not a historical anymore but a soap opera in a royal palace.Even after all this the serial still likes to pretend its very intelligent by giving us endless lectures on patriotism etc. making it all more unbearable to watch.I have stopped caring now for anything in this raise your hands if you want magadh and kalinga to be destroyed and burnt to ground who cares? Will need a lot pf fix up to return to its former glory.
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