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2 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Reading Kim Newman's Facebook page,I found out about a rare Musical that had recently aired on the BBC.Finding the only DVD edition around to be a pricey Warner Archives version,I decided that it was the best time to book two tickets.

The plot:

Failing to get attention at a show in Vermont,a girl group (whose agent is Lew Conway) get on a bus for New York.Joining the group in their search for fame, Nancy Peterson discovers that she has accidentally swooped her suitcase for Dan Carter's (who also has Conway as an agent) suitcase. As Conway and Carter meet up to correct the mistake,the conniving Conway starts making plans on how to give all his talent their 15 minutes of fame.

View on the film:

Whilst Busby Berkeley delivers the dance numbers with a fourth wall breaking touch of class, (with one sequence involving a Bing Crosby mannequin!) director James V. Kern makes sure that the rest of the movie does not miss out on the glitz,with expertly handled,ultra- stylised crane shots flying along on Peterson's ride to the bright lights. Whilst the screenplay never goes in-depth with the characters,writers Sid Silvers/Hal Kanter & Sammy Cahn keep up with Kern's snappy pace with Carter and Peterson's light comedic dialogue darting across the screen.Despite lacking a big, memorable Musical number,the writers make up for it with slick satirical shots on Hollywood, (and the threats from the TV industry)that are whisked with the playful romance between Peterson and Carter.

Unintentionally crossing paths with Peterson, Tony Martin gives a very good performance as Carter,whose rather manner behaviour Martin delivers with a real relish. Lavished with an expensive production by her would-be lover Howard Hughes, (whose attempts to start a romance made her skin crawl) Janet Leigh gives a great performance as Peterson,with Leigh rubbing doubt on Peterson's starry eyes,as she tries to get two tickets to Broadway.
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