Sado zombie depravity junk
3 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Grade Z, shot-on-video atrocity which only remains remotely watchable thanks to the light-heartedness of a number of scenes. THE NECRO FILES has acquired something of a cult reputation on the Internet thanks to the ever-continuing efforts of producer Todd Tjersland to advertise his baby at every possible opportunity, but any fans seeking out this film as a result are bound to be disappointed. This is a film for sadists and psychopaths only - those who enjoy or find funny scenes of repeated rape, graphic murder, extreme anti-social behaviour, profanity, child murder, psychopathy, perverted sex, cannibalism, and other extreme depravity that I cannot even begin to comment on.

Amongst other things, this tasteless offering includes scenes of a rape by a masked man followed by the removal of the victim's intestines and other internal organs; a man being graphically castrated; a woman having her breast cut open and devoured; a man being bloodily shot through the chest and head; more rape and murder, this time by a zombie, plus all manner of unpleasant kinky S&M scenes that are seemingly included to appeal to the male audience. The plot is non-existent, the acting generally appalling and jokey; the film's only "humane" characters are a pair of bumbling detectives who stumble upon the case by chance (Steve Sheppard's portrayal of the drug-addicted and completely psychotic detective Manners being the film's only saving grace) and end up disposing of the zombie through the traditional total bodily dismemberment method.

The special effects for the film are extremely poor, with the "zombie" consisting of a guy in a grey mask, and the gore effects provided by pig offal from the local butcher's. The film reaches new lows with the arrival of a "demon foetus", which is basically a doll which flies around courtesy of a fishing line and looks totally ludicrous - not to mention hilariously funny. Obviously a homage to the zombie baby in BRAINDEAD, this doesn't come close and is strictly amateur night stuff. Thankfully, none of the above acts of barbarity are remotely realistic, so whilst the film is indeed tasteless, it's never disturbing in the way that some of the video nasties are. And hey, at least this is mercifully short.

Through watching this film you come to realise that a genuine love for the genre is evident (NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is heard playing on a television set at one point), as is a wealth of imagination on the part of Jaissle and Tjersland - it's just a shame that their skills weren't put to use in a better film with a real plot. For now, on the evidence of this movie, they're just plain certifiable! Ironically, watching the closing credits (complete with jokey pseudonyms and movie references) is more enjoyable than watching the wretched abomination itself! THE NECRO FILES? Plain and utter rubbish is what I call it.
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