Armchair Thriller: Rachel in Danger: Part 1 (1978)
Season 1, Episode 1
A very good opener to this well remembered story.
3 September 2016
Young Rachel is placed in real danger, as she goes to a man she believes is her Father.

The Armchair Thriller series is very much a mixed bag, there was the out and out brilliance of Quiet as a Nun and the shockingly awful Circe Complex. However, I digress, the series kicked off with this four part series, Rachel in Danger. First point of note, the eerie opening credits and Ron Grainer's creepy music. I can imagine this alone would have sent a chill down many a youngster's spine during it's original airing.

Rachel in Danger as a whole is one of the better entries in the series, despite the plot is a little far fetched, how fortunate for Juan to bump into at that exact moment in time, but once that stretch is over it opens up into a very good, very watchable drama. Fair play to young Della Low, she made Rachel so believable, that you can't help but want her to be saved from the mortal danger that she's in. Stephen Grief is wonderfully measured, always been a good 'bad guy,' Travis in Blake's 7 etc.

It moves along nicely, this first part sees Rachel truly placed in danger, the scenes will the old Dear on the train are sweet, 7/10
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