The Dead Room (2015)
Enjoyable by the numbers horror
5 September 2016
The Dead Room is an enjoyable "by the numbers" horror from down under in New Zealand.

Its nice to see a horror film that's not from America.Indeed, this flick does have a slightly different feel to it. It employs a local cast with your typical "fush and chups" Kiwi accents. Its a refreshing change.

In terms of story line this is formulaic stuff. As some have pointed out too, the end is a bit contrived and predictable. I agree but this film still offers up some good scares, nonetheless.

Its well acted too, gaining pace and gradually building tension. The scares are well managed and there is a sense of cold, icy menace that infuses this film.

All in all, quite watchable. A seven out of ten from me.
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