Demented (1980)
4 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** In spite of getting top billing in this film by the IMDb porn actor Harry Reems, as Matt Rogers, is in the film credits as Bruce Gilchrist in an obvious effort to hide his identity from the both public and movie credits in not hurting the films box office returns. In an updated version of the 1960 film "The Silent Spring" we had Linda Rogers get gang raped by these four silk stocking hooded creeps while feeding her pet horse that lands her in a sanitarium for some two years. Being released and into the arms of her cheating husband Matt her life never improves with Matt not paying the attention to her that she so desperately needs.

Going out at all times of the day and night on emergency calls, Matt's a doctor,and leaving Linda behind and alone he's really involved in a passionate relationship with Carol whom he met while Linda was away at the sanitarium. It's on Halloween eve that three neighborhood teenagers decide to brake into the Roger's house and do some trick and treating on Linda with her husband, as usual, away on an emergency call to his secret lover Carol. It's here that the film's story falls completely apart in trying to imitate the movie 'The Silent Spring" in that the three teens, as nuts and ridicules as they are, had nothing to do with Linda getting gang raped: But ends up getting theirs-In spades-from Linda for someone else's crimes committed against her!

***SPOILERS*** The three teens who brake into Linda's house end up getting both captured tortured as well as murdered by her who in one case she forces one of them to eat the cooked liver of one of her victims: That's before she blew him away with a shotgun as he was begging, while tied up, for his life. As we already knew the rapists who ravaged Linda at the start of the film were captured and are now behind bars which made Linda's revenge killings of the three brainless but innocent-in not raping her-teens no sense at all. As for Matt his crime of infidelity didn't go unnoticed with a wild eyed and demented Linda waiting for him when he came home from his latest house call.
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