Entertaining Documentary
10 September 2016
The Hindenburg: Death of a Laviathan (2016)

*** (out of 4)

This here is a rather interesting and entertaining documentary that you can stream for free on Amazon Prime and various other outlets. For some reason there aren't any opening or closing credits, which is a bit strange to say the least and especially for a recent movie.

The documentary covers the tragic fate of The Hindenburg and the doco-drama is told through the investigator of its creator Hugo Eckener. Through the re-enactments we see as he leads up to his testimony on what he believes made the great flying ship crash.

There's nothing overly ground-breaking here but I think history buffs should enjoy it. There's footage from the actual crash but there are also a lot of re-enactments. The CGI certainly isn't the greatest out there but it's good enough for this type of movie. I thought the docu-drama aspect was good enough as it really did make Eckener a full character and someone troubled by something he created ending up killing people. We also get interviews with some of the survivors including Werner Doehner who talks of how he was able to escape the inferno.
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