Poison Pen (1939)
All star cast lifts this period B yarn.
15 September 2016
More stars just for the star quality of the cast.

Enjoyable 'who-dunnit-' featuring some very well known faces from UK's stage and screen. Even a young Roddy McDowall sneaks into shot, as an un-credited choirboy! Other minor roles include Kenneth Conner connecting with the audience as a local telephone receptionist.

Even the delightful comedienne Esma Cannon has a small part (Mrs. Cannon). Don't know the name? Google it, you'll know exactly who I mean.

In fact, anyone who had any kind of contact with this movie went on to have successful acting careers.

By today's story-telling standards, the outcome does seem a bit obvious but that minor flaw is over-ruled by the magnificent performance of the guilty party.

Some fun moments include when the whole nosy crowd of villages gatecrash the post office and gather round to listen in on a phone call all the way from... Australia!

There is also some sharp dialog shared between the dancers at the charity shindig in aid of church restoration.

A must for film buffs but probably not so much for casual film watchers.
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