Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
A defining chapter in the Batman Animated Series.
15 September 2016
Heart of Ice is one of the best things to come out of Batman's legacy as a classic comic book character, and it's an episode from an animated television show. The episode starts off so beautifully, with a spinning 'woman dancing in a snow-globe', which is hinted at being someone important to: Mr. Freeze. This is the episode that got me straight into Batman: The Animated Series and I'd dare say that it's still one of my all-time favourite television episodes from any show ever. It starts off well, develops well and ends well. As a Batman fan, I say that Heart of Ice made phenomenal development on Mr. Freeze as a character (he never had a love interest before) and showed that villains can be as deep as the heroes they fight; as a television fan, the screenplay/teleplay (by Paul Dini) is one of the best ever written, and easily the best for an animated superhero show: nearly all the lines of dialogue are crucial to the story.

If you haven't seen any of Batman: The Animated Series yet... what the hell are you doing; go and get started with this episode, chop-chop!
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