Forever Knight: Dark Knight (1992)
Season 1, Episode 1
Forever Knight - Dark Knight
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Vampire murders (six total after a security guard is drained while patrolling a museum housing a particular Mayan jade cup used for blood drinking purposes) are plaguing the city and Homicide detective, Nicholas Knight (Wyn Davies), is under heavy pressure to solve them. He works alone and on the night shift…and he's a vampire.

In my revisit of the show, I can still say I dig the underlying orchestral score with its haunting chants and emphasis on the Gothic, even if the show is set in urban 90s at night. There are flashbacks to the past when Knight was indoctrinated into vampirism by a master vampire, lured partially because of the seductive influence of former girlfriend, Janette (Deborah Duchene). Because he has lived for 700 years, there's plenty of history to revisit so that Knight's story is foretold in all its complexity.

Type O blood seems to be what the vampire is attracted to. When one of Nick's homeless buddies winds up dead, his pretzel-twisted body found in a bucket, the urgency to find the vampire killer becomes of high importance. Meanwhile a girl that normally accompanies the victim is missing. Nick also finds himself romantically tied to the museum curator who works the night shift, Dr. Alyce Hunter (Christine Reeves), researching the cup and its history which involved vampirism (and the possible cure for it as Nick was denied a chance to be human again thanks to his malicious master, Lecroix (Nigel Bennett) who once again is believed to have taken the cup from the museum). Nick and Alyce share a passionate kiss and embrace, with him nearly biting her on the neck, the allure of the bite nearly causing him to feed from her. Forensic pathologist, Dr. Natalie Lambert (Catherine Disher), knows of Nick's plight, trying to help find a cure, often undermined by his inability to defy the appetite for blood (blood bottled in wine glasses in his refrigerator). Dayshift wisecracking, opinionated detective, Don Schanke (John Kapelos) is partnered with Knight with much argument directed at the boss, Captain Joe Stonetree (Gary Farmer). Knight likes to work alone, with Stonetree realizing that the serial murders are putting pressure on the department. There is the introduction to Knight's rather impressive digs (considering he's a cop), his caddy (with plenty of trunk space), and how the show visualizes "night flight" (high above the cityscape, we see through the POV perspective of vampires (like Knight) as they take to the sky). This is left with "to be continued". Neon rock club, run by Jeanette, has quite the eye candy aesthetic, with urban decay of Toronto (well, the night makes the city look similar to LA in the 80s) quite a backdrop for Knight and others of his kind to nocturnally frequent. To show off Knight's advantage as a vampire cop, when a maniac with an automatic machine gun goes on a rampage in a wretched apartment complex, he is able to fly up to the window, pull him out a window, clunking him on the head before leaving him unconscious in a garbage bin!

"Addictions are hard to give up." – Detective Schanke.

"Tell me about it." – Detective Nick Knight.
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