Review of Chapter 2

American Horror Story: Chapter 2 (2016)
Season 6, Episode 2
Chapter Two:
21 September 2016
Just when I thought American Horror Story begins to show promise, it inevitably implodes in its own absurdity, and all hope of it living up to its title wither away. This show does not know how to balance anything within the realm of horror; not acting, not the atmosphere, character psychology, not even fluidity.

First problem with the series is the approach. The series is trying to do something different but lacks an equilibrium between occurrences and a cohesive narrative. This mock-umentary voice-over combo style is alright but is overwhelming during moments that should be left alone, such as moments of tension, which should be silent, not filled with speech from a voice-over.

Second problem is the recycling of the actors, an actor can only do so much, and in this season it isn't much (Angela Bassett's pitiful attempt at 'acting' drunk). Six seasons and still the same cast? Seriously? Thirdly, the situations, occurrences, whatever you wish to call them, are just ludicrous, they are awfully crafted and gimmicky. Knives on the ceiling, constant hallucinations, and I mean constant, almost every ten minutes, constant police calls that lead to nothing, you also have a child that cannot act, "they're going to kill us all, and save me for last?" These unimaginative clichés are so poorly constructed that the show slowly implodes on itself and becomes meaningless because we have seen this before. Horror is a genre that you could do much more than just put a couple in a home, give them a haunting that has been crafted poorly, and expect people to want to sit through 10 hours of that garbage. I don't think so...

To be honest, this director has turned something that had such potential and turned it into everything else on television right now. It is gimmicky, unbearable to sit through, and just all around awkward because the acting is so bad, it would be best to be blind. Watch Don't Breathe instead, there is a groundbreaker in horror, its gritty, violent, relentless, and paced well.
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