concert indie hybrid
23 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bruno is overjoyed to be waking up next to his 15 year crush Caroline Rush (Georgina Reilly). It's Toronto summer 2009. There's a garbage strike, the Indy's in town, and the band Broken Social Scene is playing. It's Caroline's favorite band and her last night before going back to Paris. Bruno's friend Blake brags that Bruno could get her backstage. Bruno struggles to get them into the concert and then backstage.

Director Bruce McDonald is basically doing a concert film incorporating an indie love story. It doesn't really work as either but it's interesting to have both interacting. One does have to be a fan of the music to like this. The concert is fine but McDonald needs to have longer sections with only the band to fully immerse in their vibe. As for the love story, it kinda works until she walks off some unknown reason. The movie takes a bohemian turn at the end and it's an odd interesting but unsatisfying finish.
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