Make over: World Edition
24 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The conclusion doesn't really live up to the height set forth in a world you can get shot for taking someone's parking space or have your tongue cut out for speaking out of line. Its the creepiest theme the show has done in a long time yet they never take full advantage like a Moo committee instead showing severed limbs only once and they are off to save Wyatt without another thought on how to raise the bar on the new world they find themselves in. Another factor is saving Wyatt and committing a great evil, great good last ep, feels rehashed where the writers ran out of ideas.

The only joy I could get out of it personally was Chris passing away as his father and aunt watch on. Rose McGowan & Brian Krause really sold the scene by the distraught reactions which flowed raw and powerful. The other was Leo finding out it was Gideon all along with the help of Barbas who nearly create the power hungry Hitler Chris came back to prevent from rising. If the episode had focused more on the betrayal along with losing another family member in this crazy new world it would ravel Charmed Again as the best two parter instead of a mediocre finale.
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