Review of 31

31 (2016)
All tricks and no treats
25 September 2016
Here we go again.

Rob Zombie loves a number of things: Halloween. The 70s. His wife, the supremely untalented Sherri Moon. Forgotten actors. Obscure period music. These items made "House of 1000 Corpses" and "The Devil's Rejects" worth watching because they were fresh. Now, they're tired tropes that clutter Zombie's "31". Let's take a quick look at some of the director's obsessions, in listed order.

Halloween: Many, many shots of Halloween decorations that used to hang on elementary school walls. One wonders if Zombie is paying the Beistle Company for using their iconic wares, or if they're paying him. "31" is the last day of October, Halloween. Scary characters in costumes. Etc.

The 70s: Grindhouse slasher films.

His wife: Sherri Moon Zombie, shrill and annoying. Cannot act, although her character in "1000 Corpses" used these traits effectively. That only worked once, Rob. Just thought you'd like to know.

Forgotten actors: Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs? Judy Geeson? Karen Black in "1000 Corpses"? Since Zombie goes to such lengths to resurrect these actors, why do he give them nothing to do except increase the body count? Etc. See also "the 70s".

Obscure period music: Zombie, being a musician also, is good at this. "Walk Away" by the James Gang actually worked. Also Slim Whitman's "I Remember You" in "1000 Corpses" best marriage of sound and visuals.

It would be interesting to see Zombie make a movie without these things to cover up a lack of a good story and some badly-needed character development. "31" uses all the tricks but has no treats to offer. If you enjoyed Zombie's first two movies,as I did, skip this. Disappointing, and worst of all, lazy movie making. The direct ripoff of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in this film's final shot was pretty shoddy. Come on Rob, you can do better than this.
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