Popatopolis (2009)
A must-see for film junkies of the world
27 September 2016
Jim Wynorski is a uniquely expressive human being in every way possible. As a reigning b- movie director he's gifted, easily irritated, your best friend at times, and a bit crazy. For Wynorski's sake, who wouldn't be a bit crazy after trying to repeatedly make movies with three days or less? But somehow, someway he does the impossible.

Popatopolis lets you take a front row journey of the production for, "The Witches of Breastwick" and just how Wynorski directs the incredible task of creating a film in three days with a three-man crew and a selection D-list talent. Through the movie you will find yourself laughing and learning from his infamous line, "I hate it, I hate it" to his views on life, "Here is a lesson for all you stupid, stupid chicks out in Hollywood… and there's plenty of ya." Prior to Popatopolis, I had minimal understanding of the b-movie world and have gained an appreciation for the art form. It's a great insight on the b-movie genre and anyone who admires the work of production and filmmaking.
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