Blue Ridge (2014)
Not what it seems
20 September 2016
This was a drama, at least that's what I thought at first. I was about half way through and just too many subtle, sorta funny things happened. My gf didn't laugh out loud but I did notice that she too kept making a partial laugh noise. We did a few looks to each other back and forth.

Now I don't mean funny as in, this was written by a comedian funny, but in a very dark or just interesting funny kind of way. Did that make sense? I'd go so far as say there's a little bit of a Kubrick influence here in some fashion.

The landlord guy, played by the only actor I recognized, from Pi, was some smart or maybe just lucky casting. He had a blend of cheesy, dark, sleazy and sort of pathetic traits all mixed into one guy. I wish he had more screen time to say the hard truth. He wasn't the kind of guy you'd want as a neighbor but why did I feel sorry for him regardless? I'm still trying to figure that out.

Sara, the main lead, was an excellent blend of naive, lovable and strong. Wife material! lol

I can't quite explain what I mean about this being a little funny but it's worth a watch. And yes, it IS a drama in the end and it IS a little unconventional but, hey it was skillfully edited and I loved the cinematography as well.
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