Review of Haunt

Haunt (2013)
Ghosts don't always have to be retarded.
30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The set-up isn't bad, but the "grand finale" takes a shovel-full of dung and hurls it straight into the viewers' faces. I've seen many ghost flicks with dumb and/or illogical ghosts, but this she-ghost is the stupidest slag of them all. This particular she-ghost has no qualms whatsoever about brutally slaying innocent adolescents and children – but does spare the life of the woman who slit her throat! How's that for stupid, huh?

Not only does she-ghost kill everyone in the woman's family – except the woman who murdered her – but she also kills the 18 year-old kid who never did anything to her. Are we to believe that all haunting ghosts get free lobotomies before entering the netherworld of ghost-haunting? Do people's IQs drop by 50 points after they enter the realm of the spirit world? That must be the case, at least according to the lazy, illogical clown who wrote this messy script. OK, fine, nobody's ever offered actual studies of average IQs of any spirit world (Jewish, Islamic or Christian), but if they're all as dumb as zombies, then spirits are nothing more than mindless animals going for the kill. What's interesting about that? They might as well then make yet another film about killer bees or killer bunnies.

We've been programmed and trained by bad horror film-makers since our adolescence to accept that ghosts should be irrational and stupid. But why? Handing out low IQs to ghosts just serves to make them suitable for comedy. Perhaps they could have added a few gags here and there, and made a comedy horror. It would have been unfunny, as nearly all horror spoofs are, but at least that approach makes some sense.
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