Star Wars: Rebels: The Holocrons of Fate (2016)
Season 3, Episode 3
Star Wars Rebels - S03E02 Holocrons of Fate
4 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show just keeps getting better and better. It is episodes like this that show why I love this show in general. This episode could have been a mid season review, it was that good. So I'm going to jump straight into it.

This episode was split into two parts for me. The first part was a really great moment of reuniting Kanan and Ezra as master and student. I really loved that because I always thought that the dynamic between the two is fantastic and I thought it really stands strong again this episode. After not having much to do this together last episode, I really like how they seem to be back onto the same page again for now. The Bendu really outlines that how he could still sense that there is still a split between them.

Now into the second part of the episode. I always love when Maul is on the screen. Through the animated series, Maul has become one of my favourite villains and he really furthered himself further during this episode. I really loved his role this episode and how they are starting to tease the Maul/Obi-Wan connection and potential conflict. I really hope that they follow through with it. Now that Maul has become such a big part of Rebels, I would hate to see the end of him happen in so other form of medium, plus the inclusion of Obi-Wan in Rebels would be fantastic.

What I really loved about this episode is the reason why I love things such as Star Wars and the MCU and the CW Superhero shows, its that they are apart of a bigger picture and a bigger world. The holocrons were items I didn't know much about until last season so they were always interesting to me. What this episode did was further the mythology of the Star Wars world by bring the holocrons together and I really loved that. Combine that with the Bendu and I'm really excited to dive further into the world that is Star Wars. Overall, another great episode. I thought it continued to set up this season, building on from last episode but still was at the quality of so much more. Like I said before, if this was a mid season finale or a penultimate episode, I wouldn't complain one bit.

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