Review: The Cat and the Claw Part I
5 October 2016
This episode opens with Catwoman, the thief in the night, doing what she does best with a feline friend. She is tracked and eventually chased by Batman through the rooftops of Gotham. Immediately the one-off relationship between Batman and Catwoman (voiced by the lovely Adrienne Barbeau) is established as they both are unable to deny there is something going on under the radar between the two, despite them both being on either side of the law.

TCATC is another fine episode of The Animated Series. There's a lot going on in this one, including the mob's affairs, Batman and Catwoman's relationship, and corporate business warfare. The main storyline involves Selina Kyle (Catwoman), who is a business woman passionate about wildlife, having her attempts to buy a piece of land for wild cats muscled out by a company who happen to be secretly in league with a terrorist known as Red Claw. This Red Claw character, for whatever terrorist-y reasons, needs the land as there's a hidden military base underneath it and from there she (yes, she) can carry out her dastardly plan of unleashing a toxic poison in Gotham.

As I said already, there are a lot of elements at play in this episode and it's a compliment on the writers' parts that all of these things, such as Selina's donate-money-win-a-bachelor date with Bruce and an exciting police car chase come together to form a cohesive story.

Being rubbed out sends Selina iffy vibes, and she dons her Catwoman outfit and takes a trip to the headquarters of the company who is refusing her purchase of the land, hoping to find evidence of villainous activities. Which she does, of course, seeing as though they are…you know, villains. However, she doesn't manage to do this without alerting Red Claw and co. to her trespassing, and the episode closes with one of their men spying on Selina through her apartment window, having been send there by Red Claw. And I don't think he's there to deliver cupcakes.

My Rating: 8/10
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