Arrow: Legacy (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
Exciting return for arrow season five
5 October 2016
Coming from someone who had given up on arrow during season four (I still haven't even seen the final episodes, though I hear they were horrendous), I was pleasantly surprised with the fifth season's premiere. I'll try to keep this short, so:

+ Bad ass Ollie returns. + Cheesy arrows are a throwback to the comics. + Prometheus slayed. + Bratva flashbacks are pretty bad ass. + Long takes in fight scenes were great. + A lot less of the typical drama that hindered seasons three and four. It was nice to Oliver and Felicity interacting without it turning into an episode of the Bold and the Beautiful.

  • Production design. I can't be the only one bothered by this. For a show that's been around for so long, its disappointing to see its sets and lighting become so hollow and lack-luster. Production design should contribute to the mood of the show and flatter the fact that this is a visual medium, so its disappointing to see direction like this. - Oliver needs to become a stronger character. There's a lot of promise with season five, however I am concerned that Oliver is going to go back to being dependent on other characters for advice and in making decisions. I know this is really a CW trend as of late, but this is the Green Arrow we're talking about, he's a strategist and a vigilante. He shouldn't need constant and unnecessary exposition dialogue between the other characters, telling him what to do. All up: 8.8/10
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