Arrow: Legacy (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
Back In Black
6 October 2016
Guys it looks like Arrow is finally back on track and kicking ass like in season 1!! I wasn't excited at all for Arrow this season after where they went the show in season 4, but now it looks like they're giving us a new season 2!! You can see the changes this year with the much better fighting scenes and darker tone. Also, the spotlight isn't on Felicity anymore, though I didn't REALLY mind that like others did, But it's better this way. Glad that Laurel is still gone (so far) and the flashbacks seem very promising and way better than the pile of crap the shot last season. I also prefer the team without Thea and I hope they keep it this way. I love that they gave him the sleeves back along with the dark tone! Very excited for next week's episode!
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