Review of Awl

MacGyver: Awl (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Getting less cheesy
7 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So i guess this is a thing but episode starts off with them in danger somewhere jumping out of a burning building with common items like body bags and extinguishers. Oddly Jack jumps with Mac, i would have waited to see if it worked for Mac and then went from there. Now home, Jack has a tradition of heists in front of his dads grave and talks to him. The stone faces him as he leans on the stone in front, this huge 5-6 foot and equally as wide stone which i told my wife, must kill his dads view. Its like when my dad had a house get torn down next to him and a Huge 3 story Mc mansion put up. I told my wife maybe its a Mc-Cemetery stone. Ilaughed, she didn't and started facebooking. So they have to go to Malaysia to get this rich hedge fund kid who is wanted for fraud and hiding there and helping Terrorists D-77 with their funding transaction stuff. Mac realizes he has to break his security system which is high tech and wireless. This facinated me and i was eager to learn but it was just making it go off and watching him press the combination. Disappointing.Old Macgyver would have explained how baking powder disables them or something or am i thinking of how the TV News explain in detail how hoodlums derailed a train with a simple peg or something. Anyhow, they get him, and smart D-77 terrorists must have had someone with a large gun keeping tabs. So he is sniper shot by a large gun that according to my crime shows, should have made a bigger hole and more internal damage if it didn't exit (i don't recall them mentioning it but i had a 3 year old and wife yapping and i was yelling "No talking during Macgyver" its a nice thing to yell again, like "Who didn't put more Ecto Cooler in the Fridge") So they somehow jump in the guys car and drive off with stupid banter with him constantly being like how valuable his car is while being mortally wounded. Makes sense. I did like how they called him an Asshat, you don't hear that much and its a funny term.

So the Lisa Bonet looking computer girl is finding a doctor and picks a golf course and finds one. A bald with a mullet Malaysian wearing headband hat thing hat who just happens to have Translation software in his golf cart so they can talk. Anyone else notice one scene where you see the computer and you see someone said "this translation thing sucks". so he informs them they need to do surgery now. I was like i really don't want to watch this but they did it very G rated. no blood and guts, only if you use your imagination when he uses a tire jack to spread the ribs which somehow was painless and worked. So the bad guys find them, gun battle where no one is somehow shot, D-77 needs A.) new snipers B.) better guns C. ) better thugs with better aim. They go up an elevator which must have thwarted thugs who didn't notice it stopped at floor 8. Then they see a secretary down the hall and this scares them cause the guy is bloody. She's a threat but Lisa Bonet goes to her and says she hacked their system and will expose all their shady deals and the secretary compiles to get her boss or something. Was this a D-77 building or unrelated? where was the boss later? Is all Malaysia corrupt like the last episode taught me Venezuela is? So Mac decides to use office supplies and Blood pressure Medication to make the bad guy fake his death. So somehow they exit the building (D-77 guys need to learn how to secure a perimeter unless i missed that part due to talking) and then bring him to an outside street party where they will cause him to fake die. Mac promises him he'll be safe, the guy buys it but says he needs to call his mom and be a better person etc etc. So Jack and Mac hijack a Ambulence to pick up the fake dead guy (white American ambulance drivers in Malaysia. normal) and then they see D-77 guys paying the cops for the body. Corrupt. So D-77 want the body to cut off the head to prove he is dead but Mac saves the day. a couple of stupid flaws happened in the ensuing fight that i missed a lot fuming over them. Maybe not so much flaws but fight stuff that seemed too fake or convenient. They then bring the guy home so he can get Witness protection and hes still a cocky douche. He tried to hug the female Peter Thorton but she wouldn't have it. IT then occurred to me that Original MacGyver Peter Thortons real name was Dana. Thats a girls name. Is that relevant or am i drinking too much beer? Anyhow the series is growing on me and i can forgive them for bastardizing Richard Dean Anderson era Macgyver but can't see this show making it past a season with all the corniness . Out of self respect, i cant even talk about the MacGyver's roommates film project scenes. MacGyver should be living on a house boat with some house plants. THe episode ended with them making a "Mail is old fashioned " joke bit when Mac writes either his Dad or Granddad who use mail. As a printer, mail is still used and much more effective than advertising via email and such as it is tangible and cannot be deleted in a second.
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