Review of Legacy

Arrow: Legacy (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
Arrow returns for a fifth season...
8 October 2016
Arrow (2012-present) is back for a fifth season, and it was, what it was. These shows are starting to feel like those old 8-bit video games. The hero fights through the level (AKA each season) to then fight the end boss. Each preceding level gets harder and harder. Very formulaic , and some what predictable.

Episode one, LEGACY, has Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) both as Green Arrow and as mayor of Star City, although the former occupies more of his time. Also back is is younger sister, Thea (Willa Holland) who has given up her "Speedy" persona, and now only works on his mayoral staff. . Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) is still Overwatch, but her romance with Oliver is smoke. John "Dig" Diggle (David Ramsey) has gone back to the army, and no longer fights with the Arrow. Former 'Police Captain' Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) has completely fallen off of the wagon. Although, it does look like Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) will have a much more active role this season, beyond that of snappy comic relief.

All in all; the episode was OK. I'm a little tired of the flashback scenes, as I think are many people. Of course, there are a couple of new villains, but it remains to be seen if they actually have any lasting impact beyond that of just another 'end level boss'.

With the promise of assembling a new Team Arrow comes new faces. I hope they can add a new dynamic to the show, and shake things up a bit. As of right now, I'm sort of losing interest, but I've invested this much….For now, I'll keep watching.
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