Judge John Deed: Appropriate Response (2001)
Season 1, Episode 3
Romero, Romero, wherefore art thou Romero...
8 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst members of the legal fraternity sometimes raise their eyes in despair at the unreality of Judge John Deed, it makes a genuine effort to raise key issues such as police corruption, sentencing, and the romantic interludes of the lead character, Judge John Deed, who has a history of being a radical yet top notch QC who was appointed to the bench.

This is episode 3 of season 1, and here Mr Romero (not Romeo) is out to exact revenge on His Honour, for the sentence Deed imposed on him for rape. Romero has his sights set on John's daughter Charlie, who is a law student, possibly at a red brick university (not Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Warwick). It's unusual that Charlie doesn't seem to lock the door of her dorm room, giving Romero numerous opportunities to access it.

Two sub-plots are two police officers who aren't granted bail by John (causing some consternation amongst his protective officers), and the trial of a boxer for grievous bodily harm on his best mate, who was having an affair with his wife. The elephant in the room was the best mate's race. The boxer is black, his wife white, but the best mate?
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