Night Slaves (1970 TV Movie)
Bland Horror Movie
9 October 2016
Night Slaves (1970)

** (out of 4)

Clay Howard (James Franciscus) survives a tragic car wreck that sadly killed the people in the other car. Him and his wife (Lee Grant) decide to get out of town for a while and they end up in a small town out West where he soon begins to think something isn't quite right. At night the townspeople get loaded onto a large truck but in the morning only Clay can remember what happened.

NIGHT SLAVES is a pretty bland made-for-television horror film that simply doesn't have too much going for it. Often times these movies were extremely well-made by people who wanted to do something fresh and original. Other times these movies just seemed to be rushed so that they could have something on air by a certain date. Everyone here just seems to be going by the numbers and the cast appear to just be picking up a paycheck.

The biggest problem is that there's really not enough done with the central story. I won't ruin why the people are being loaded into the trucks but it's not the greatest storyline out there and I'd argue that there's no suspense gained from it. Both Franciscus and Grant are pretty much going through the motions and even Leslie Nielson is wasted as the Sheriff. NIGHT SLAVES remains partially watchable if you enjoy these types of movies but there's certainly nothing special about it.
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