13th (2016)
DuVernay presents best film of 2016
10 October 2016
This is the best movie of the year. Ava DuVernay elegantly and simply shot, 13th refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States." The loopholes in our own amendment are what have allowed the systemic race in the prison system to thrive.

It paved the way for the 1994 Federal Crime Bill, implicates ALEC as a dangerous political lobbying group that provides sample bills, and uses our own history against us. That's not a criticism: she is right and brilliant to do so. The documentary explores the growth industry of prisons and CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) which stands to profit and encourages lawmakers to keep their prisons full for the labor they provide our capitalist society.

This film explores human rights violations and is an indictment against a harmful system of the prison industrial complex. You won't leave this film not remembering which amendment did this or who has stood to gain from its expansion. This is a love letter to Black and Latino Americans who have been affected, as well as their families, to say "I know how we got here". Every high school should require watching this film.
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