Not worth watching.
12 October 2016
Previous to watching this documentary, I knew very little about the man who's name had consistently popped up on my computer's desktop, and watched from a perspective of intrigue. Unfortunately, it became very clear early on that rather than being an unbiased peace of investigative journalism, this documentary would be the opposite and presented more like a biased hack-job, or smear campaign against John McAfee. Although it is all made very well, there is not a single moment throughout where I felt like I was hearing the full truth, and as such, decided to investigate the matter for myself after I'd finished watching. What I found was shocking... Although I found interviews with Nanette Burnstein (the documentaries maker), claiming that she'd not paid anyone for interviews, (merely 'photos'), whilst continuing to attack John McAfee. I also found articles from many Belizian news outlets stating that interviewees were paid to lie. These news outlets interviewed the same people, and also had proof of the money transfers sent by Nanette Burnstein. Overall, it seems like Showtime have a lot to answer for. I am very disappointed that I spent an hour and a half watching such fiction.
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