Mork & Mindy: Mork's Best Friend (1979)
Season 1, Episode 24
Exidor now a spirit migration engineer
21 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Mork's Best Friend" features the return of Robert Donner as Exidor, now involved in reincarnation ("I'm a spirit migration engineer!"), believing himself to be Julius Caesar, and lovely Mindy is Cleopatra! Mork's best friend is a female caterpillar he names Bob, offering so much love and care for a bug that Bickley sticks up for his 'stupid dog!' When Bob dies Exidor drops by for a sympathy visit with the magic incantation: "owa-tajer-kiam!" (Mork: "swiss cheese for brains!"). Bickley agrees to attend a service for Bob conducted by 'toastmaster' Mork: "don't ask me to view the body!" Mindy acknowledges that she's never gotten to know a caterpillar better than Bob, while Bickley breaks down in typical fashion with his salute: "with heavy heart and mournful eyes and tears that softly flow, we say our final sad goodbyes to a fuzzy escargot!" What no one realizes is that Bob wasn't dead, only moulting into a beautiful butterfly, reincarnated as Exidor might have appreciated: "maybe when you die, something beautiful happens."
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