Newlywed and Dead (2016 TV Movie)
Morgan! (A Suitable Case for Naming)
23 October 2016
A misbehaving boy doesn't want to spend another long night in the basement. We don't see much bad stuff there, but the basement must be an insufferable punishment. The boy pushes his mother down her long and winding staircase with his baseball bat. In our lad's defense, she did ask him to, "Give me the bat." She got the bat. Many years later, our blond lad has grown up to be dark-haired Christopher Russell (as Jay Morgan). He's now getting married, to beautiful Shenae Grimes-Beech (as Kristen Ward). While it was a sudden marriage, but Mr. Russell is model-perfect and lives in a paradise filled with spacious rooms and champagne. This type of teleplay seldom turns out well for the bride, but Ms. Grimes-Beech apparently doesn't watch "Lifetime" TV movies...

One interesting error involves Russell's aunt, Venus Terzo (as Barbara Morgan). She is Jay's married mother's sister, but also has "Morgan" as a surname. This could mean she also married Mr. Morgan or his brother. That would have made the story more interesting, but we're told she was not married. Then, she could have simply been Jay's father's sister. Too easy. While dining on the lovely new Morgan patio, Ms. Terzo explains, "Jay took his mother's maiden name Morgan when he turned eighteen." Okay, you're snickering because Jay is clearly younger than 18 when he's called "Jay Morgan" in the opening. You should be thinking that another reason he changed his name to "Jay Morgan" is because that is what they were always calling him. Doesn't that make sense?

*** Newlywed and Dead (2016) Penelope Buitenhuis ~ Shenae Grimes-Beech, Christopher Russell, Samantha Ferris, Venus Terzo
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