Unnecessarily long
23 October 2016
I have nothing against musicals. The story can be told by regular acting or through singing and dancing and both ways have their own charm. But when you make regular 90 minutes movie and then add the same length of musical numbers that contribute to story only by extending the movie twice, you end up with 3 hours of agony. Although the movie is great, I barely held until the end. It is a remake of 1937. movie of the same name with added musical numbers and if we cut out all of them it would have no impact on the story, but we would be deprived of fantastic singing. So, in my opinion, they should have interpreted the original story through singing and dancing instead of adding musical numbers to a regular movie. They should have made 90 minutes or real musical that would keep our attention from beginning to the end. Like "Moulin Rouge" was done, for example...

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