Step by Step (1946)
Still serviceable villains
25 October 2016
Even though World War II had ended the previous years and the Axis regimes we fought were also ended, Nazis were still serviceable villains. Step By Step has some Nazis right here in the good old USA regrouping for another chance.

But they have to get a list from US Senator Harry Harvey first. He's been doing some investigating and he has a list. You'd think he'd know it by heart, but I digress.

Anyway recently discharged former Marine Lawrence Tierney meets Harvey's secretary Anne Jeffreys out on the beach for a swim and later when he inquires, he's told there's no such a person. That starts the whole rigmarole and we discover fifth columnists still doing their nasty wartime stuff.

Step By Step should have been left behind for war surplus as the market was glutted with these kinds of films 41 to 45. There are far worse, but a lot better that have stood the test of time. Right at the beginning Harvey says that we've been fighting these people since Bismarck. Really a US Senator ought to know his history better.
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