Fitfully imaginative B-movie fun
26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A slice of low budget camp madness - but what more could you expect from a film about a killer refrigerator? At least the tongue-in-cheek approach works with this movie, and the producers have seen enough horror films to know when to spoof and when not to spoof. THE REFRIGERATOR is ideal viewing for cult movie fans, as it contains a little bit of everything, and the mixture of comedy and horror is just about pulled off successfully. Obviously this film is not going to be to everybody's taste, but for what it's worth I did enjoy it.

Although there is a little bit too much dialogue, the film still moves at a fair pace and never commits the ultimate sin of being boring. Although the acting is sometimes stilted and on an amateur level (especially with supporting cast members), it's nonetheless passable. I did like Dave Simonds' portrayal of the unlucky loser husband, thwarted at every turn by his strange neighbours and nasty work colleagues. Acting honours go to Julia McNeal, who is likable, beautiful, and believable as the housewife under attack, and I don't care what anyone says about her acting. Her character - an intelligent blonde - is a refreshing change in a movie world populated by stereotypes. Fans should also keep an eye out for Angel Caban's smooth turn as Juan, the apartment block's plumber, who saves the day at the end of the movie.

A smattering of gore will please horror fans, but most of it is played for laughs, like the hilarious scene where an apprentice plumber is murdered by being crushed in the fridge door. At the action-packed end of the film, another actor has his face mashed by an electric fan in an impressively gooey show of makeup and fake blood. Overall, this film tends to have good individual scenes rather than a good overall story; for instance, it has its up and downs. Sometimes it seems more like a string of sketches rather than an actual plotted movie. Imaginative nightmare scenes include zombies walking into the fridge and miniature people standing inside it. Although this will forever be neglected to minor B-movie status due to the low budget and the subject matter, it's still good for a laugh and worthwhile for fans who know what kind of film to expect.
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