Mystery Science Theater 3000: Pod People (1991)
Season 4, Episode 3
"It stinks!" Wait, not the episode, no. Its rather hilarious actually!
31 October 2016
Part E.T. rip off, part B-movie horror flick, part stupid teen movie, "Pod People" is a steaming pile of you-know-what that only serves to bring out the best for the crew of the Satellite of Love (SOL). Joel and the bots, Crow and Tom Servo, riff this movie at all the right points. Non-stop hilarity ensues.

JOEL: "Trumpy, you can do stupid things!"

One of the best segments (in my opinion) of MST3K is during Segment Two when Joel and the bots sing their own version of the song from the movie, titled by our trio as "Idiot Control Now." Its best described as pee-your-pants hilarious if you listen to the lyrics, finished off perfectly by Joel's cheesy "It stinks!" Making fun of a completely ludicrous moment in the movie, Joel and crew spoof it perfectly! Segment Four also provides a goofy but funny scene in which Trumpy's magic causes total mayhem on the SOL, illustrating what bad movies can do to good people. I'd probably go loopy if I had to watch this movie without the riff trax playing alongside it. All great stuff.

CROW: "Now this guy's got renaissance festival written all over him." ALL: "HUZZAH!"

Does every joke work? No; however, you'll be laughing so hard at the other jokes, you'll need a break eventually just to breathe! The 'Chief!? McCloud!?' sequence gets old after a few times, sure. But otherwise, all great fun. Find out more on the obscure references here:

So put on that flannel shirt, watch out for the Trumpy dumpy as you head over to the flannel-covered couch, and turn on this episode. Sure, the movie stinks, but the SOL crew is fantastic! One of my top 3 MST3K episodes!
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