Ash and his friends celebrate Kid's Day.
31 October 2016
Ash, Misty, and Brock are walking across a path to Kanto. They notice 3 Pokémon-shaped banners hanging in the wind. They realize that the reason for it is because it is Kid's Day. Misty suggests that they play all day like they used to when they were younger, but Ash and Brock disagree. Brock also states that since Misty already participated in the Princess Festival that the holiday should be JUST for men. Ash and Pikachu agree which offends Misty. They meet a teacher who is looking for Pokémon Trainers to entertain children at her pre-school. They accept her offer and go to meet the students that she is in charge of. While Team Rocket is spying on the gang, They each reminisce on their past celebrations of Kid's Day. James exclaims that he wonderful Kid's Day, unlike Jessie, who lashes out at Meowth when he makes a hurtful remark. Ash and his friends greet the children inside the school and they quickly show admiration towards Pikachu. Pikachu is annoyed by the children's constant fuss over him, causing Ash to quickly grab him away from them before he shocks them. Misty and Brock also release their Pokémon. They see a child who's sitting alone. They ask him why he is by himself and he tells them that the only Pokémon he wants to meet is a Meowth. Out of curiosity, they ask him his reason for wanting to see a Meowth and he tells them that it saved him from being attacked by a Beedrill. Team Rocket shows up in a brightly colored van wearing disguises and they begin a magic show to entertain the children. They try to do away with Pikachu during their performance, but Ash sees right through it and he tells them to hand him over. When they reveal themselves, they are quickly hounded by the children. James sends Weezing to use SmokeScreen over Ash, his friends, and the class. The little boy goes over to Meowth to assist him, knocking over the box containing Pikachu. Team Rocket escapes believing to have captured Pikachu but end up kidnapping the little boy instead. They go on a search to rescue the little boy. Team Rocket opens the box thinking they have succeeded in capturing Pikachu, but end up disappointed when they found out they captured the little boy. He is saddened, but in an effort to cheer him up they get Meowth to put on a show for him. He uses Fury Swipes to protect him from their clutches, and the little boy takes him back to the school to show his classmates. They are impressed by Meowth and they give him lots of attention. Meowth almost reveals his speech which is caught wind Misty. To save face he leaves the school and the little boy follows him. They follow him and meet Team Rocket, who challenge Ash to a battle. They send both of their Pokémon with Ash sending out Pidgeotto. Brock decides to help by sending out Onix. They manage to defeat Team Rocket's Pokémon, but now have to escape a rolling boulder. Everyone is safe except Ash and the little boy. They are nearly close to being killed when suddenly, a wild Meowth comes and splits the boulder in half using Mega Kick. The little boy then notices that it is the same Meowth that rescued him from an attacking Beedrill. Ash and his friends are thanked by the teacher for saving the little boy from Team Rocket. The little boy proclaims that he will become a Pokémon Trainer and join the Pokémon League and that the wild Meowth belongs to him. The episode ends with Ash and his friends leaving the school and continuing to become official Pokémon Masters. This one was above average. The animation could have been better, but it was still working watching. Minor nitpick: This episode was broadcast after Princess vs. Princess which doesn't make sense because Misty's Togepi is nowhere to be seen in that one. It was also aired as part of Season 2 when really it should have been part of Season 1 because it takes place before the events of The Case of the K-9 Caper and Pokémon Paparazzi(in which the group first meets Todd). Despite all that, it was still worth viewing.
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