Enjoyable promo short
2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's cool to find out that William Shatner and director William Grefe collaborated a second time on this fun promotional short for Bacardi liquor in the wake of working together on the gloriously schlocky psycho flick "Impulse." Shatner and his insanely hot former wife Marcy Lafferty take a break during the shooting of a movie in Puerto Rico. They decide to take a tour of a Bacardi rum distillery plant in San Juan. Following said tour Shatner mixes various Bacardi drinks for everyone on the set of the film. The tour of the Bacardi plant offers some neat and illuminating information on how Bacardi rum gets made and bottled. Moreover, the Puerto Rico scenery looks positively breathtaking, with such lovely sights as the governor's mansion and an old sprawling castle providing a sumptuous eyeful. The pretty cinematography makes pleasing use of fades and dissolves while the jaunty music keeps things bubbling along throughout. It's also a hoot to see Shatner participate in a sword fight with another guy. Worth a watch for fans of both Grefe and Shatner alike.
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