Hell Bent (1994)
"But they are just kids"
2 November 2016
I wasn't sure what to rate this because on one hand, it's not a movie I would go out and recommend to people and I can't say for sure that I "liked it" but on the other hand it did hold my attention throughout.

The lead characters are kids but of the worthless piece of crap of society kind with no redeemable qualities who only see joy in causing misery to other people, we have plenty of them here where I live and I've known a couple growing up as well so it definitely felt pretty realistic to me.

It's a very low-budget movie has a bit of a TV-movie feel to it but that doesn't hurt the movie or anything and it's way more extreme than your average TV-movie.

Acting is not too bad despite lack of experience, particularly Marty feels genuinely twisted.

It reminded me a bit of "Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer" even though it's about kids and they are not serial-killers (yet).

The end was a bit of a letdown but overall definitely watchable.
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