Ransom for a Dead Man (1971 TV Movie)
An evil woman
5 November 2016
Lee Grant ever since she came off the blacklist and resumed her film career has made a real specialty in playing very bad women. In this Columbo episode she plays the trophy wife of an older judge who decides she's bored with him, but not his money. She shoots him and then arranges an elaborate charade involving a fake kidnapping with ransom and all. As she's also an attorney she knows the law pretty good.

Take a look at her facial expressions after she dumps the body in a car off an ocean cliff. That expression tells you Grant is capable of anything to get her way. She is truly scary.

But she has everyone fooled except of course Peter Falk. At first he's only an observer as the FBI is in charge of the kidnapping. He and the agent in charge Harold Gould don't get along, Gould finds him annoying and underfoot. I have to say Columbo really comes into his own when the body is discovered and it's a murder case. I love that scene with Falk and Gould.

Grant is really slick and the only other one not fooled by her is her stepdaughter Patricia Mattick.

An old friend of mine had a saying "you're a thief so you think everyone else steals". That is Lee Grant's mentality and it is what Falk and Mattick bring her down with. You have to see how they do it.

And this Columbo episode and its review is dedicated to my late friend Matthew F.X. Smith.
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