Po' not Poe
5 November 2016
Po' (or poor, if you prefer) horror movie from AIP that has next to nothing in common with the Edgar Allan Poe story from which it gets its title. Arguably the least of the many Poe-inspired films that starred Vincent Price, although this has its share of fans. For his part, Price does fine here but the movie is just so dull there's nothing he can do to save it. The same can be said for the great Christopher Lee, who is wasted here in a small role. Most of the movie is spent focused on Price's character's disfigured brother, played by Aleister Williamson. We don't see his disfigurement until the end and, even then, it's nothing to get worked up about. Obviously die-hard fans of Price and Lee will want to cross this off their list, but be prepared this isn't among the best films of either man.
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