13 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In all I liked the movie. What I had an issue with was all the racial stuff. When will writers and directors ever get over this crap. How will America come together as one people with this crap hitting us in the face every time we go to the movies or turn on the TV. The spitting in food scene was totally uncalled for and inappropriate. IMHO the racial tension overshadowed the real intent of the movie, to praise REAL American heroes of all race and color. I would like to know where they got the information on the one officer hording all the supplies and the one raft for himself. That is quite an accusation to make without backing it up with facts or explaining where the information came from. However, from research, most of the main points seem to be accurate. The delivery of the bomb, the lack of escort, the sinking, the sharks and the Navy's use of the Captain as an escape goat. Unfortunately, the Navy has a history of passing the buck.
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