The Walking Dead: Service (2016)
Season 7, Episode 4
This just didn't make any sense, what a waste of the build up.
16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So they basically ruined it, once again. All the tension that has been built up the last 10 or so episodes has been wasted by doing a completely illogical unrealistic and out of character episode. They even managed to turn Negan into just another over the top cliché bad guy. He is losing appeal with every scene he does with this poor writing.

Sure, Rick and the group have been traumatized by Negan in the first episode but is that reason to instantly completely get rid off all survivor instinct, any will power etc they have gained during the show? Alexandria had guns, sniper rivals and even a freaking bazooka. They knew Negan was coming, they had numbers over the group that came visiting, guns and foresight. You couldn't even claim they could risk Daryll's life cause he was right there, not under any threat.

Anyone that has been watching from the beginning knows what this group has gone through. They have turned into an elite commando team of slick killers just a couple of episodes back, went through hell and back and all of a sudden...they can't even think to do anything?! With a little preparation they could have easily taken Negan's team out and have Daryll back. They could also...just leave.

Nothing in this episode made any sense. I loved the last two slow episodes but this was just an insult. Seems the writers have decided the shocking scenes from the first episodes should be enough to drag us along once again, without adding much of substance. Very disappointing.
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