Murder on the Orient Express Revisited
17 November 2016
The plot of this episode borrows from Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express crossed with Desperate Housewives. It revolves around a colourful set of characters living in a suburban cul de sac.

It had two gay characters, just in the mix, mildly comic but not derogatory. There is one male eye-candy character Trey the gardener also appealing to the gay viewer. I like it when gays are present without making a big deal of it.

There is one scene where a Muslim makes a claim that his religion is completely compatible with science. The characters on the show know nothing about Islam, so they just let this nonsense slide.

In the 1300s in Moorish Spain, there was a golden era of Islam. Pretty well all learning and scholarship in Europe was done by Muslims. Islam strongly encouraged science. Then fundamentalism and Quranic literalism swept Islam. Discoveries in science and math stopped. Islam started murdering anyone who did not swallow Creationism and other forms of Quranic literalism and magic thinking. Islam has been a pall over the earth ever since.
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