Arrow: Vigilante (2016)
Season 5, Episode 7
"Vigilante" has interesting alliances
19 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler only if you have not seen the episode. The opening scene was so good, I rewound and watched it again. We did not see the Vigilante, but we saw the criminals sailing across the room. Then the hostage's chains snapped and freed her. We saw a lot of action in this episode and that made it very exciting.

I noticed right away that the men who were tied up and left outside the police station were arranged to form the letter "V". The Vigilante believes killing is necessary to rid the city of criminals and that the Green Arrow is not getting the job done.

An underlying theme is that there are unlikely allies, and some of the alliances betrayed Oliver.

The Bratva leader, Gregor, betrayed Oliver and formed a partnership with Kovar; in addition, Oliver joined Bratva because they promised he could kill Kovar in retaliation for Kovar causing Taiana's death, but Tiana's mother is working for Kovar.

Evelyn Sharp/Artemis joined Arrow's team, but she is working with Prometheus. She might be the one who has been giving him information all along and helped him to frame Quentin as the throwing star killer.

Diggle and Wild Dog becoming friends was unexpected, and it was wonderful the way Wild Dog arranged for Diggle to see his son on his birthday.

Thea is the youngest family member and it is ironic that she is being a mentor to Quentin Lance and arranged for him to go into rehab. She has matured into a person I admire.

I was not in favor of Oliver and Susan, the reporter, becoming friends. However, she has kept her promise to stop telling stories that make his administration look bad and she does seem to really like him.

Arrow has some awesome gadgets this season and I love the arrow that formed a bullet-proof net to protect them.
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