Der Samurai (2014)
Homo erotic? Certainly, but you won't either look down on it or forget it
20 November 2016
The samurai of the title is a wild fellow, actor Pit Bukowski, who manages some odd jumps and even a nude scene complete with an erection, all with a maniacal smile on his face. It's not the kind of performance that is easy to watch or forget. The only American actors I can think of who have even approached this kind of crazed portrayal are the late Heath Ledger and the ubiquitous Woody Harrelson. Pit outdoes them both.

The Samurai is on a killing spree threatened by a local cop, Jakob, well played by Michel Diercks. There is a sort of half-baked subplot with a wolf that doesn't really gel, but the main thrust of this movie is the story of a small town German cop having to deal with a man dressed as a woman, wielding a sword. I have no idea what transvestites will think of all this, they may like it, I don't know, but I think the two leads and the director, Till Klienert, have an impressive future in front of them.

This movie would make a great one to show to adult friends prepared for some fairly campy horror and gore. It's definitely not for kids or for anyone not prepared for the short segment with male nudity near the end.
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